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19 Incredible Before & After Transformations Stories Of Addicts Who Are Totally Clean Now



As we know drug is an epidemic that has gripped the people and takes it off is one of the hardest things to do. Societies and governments around the world fighting together to reduce the spread of this banned substance abuse. Kevin Alter is a man who was addicted to drugs and now recovered from it, has created an association called “The Addict’s Diary” so people can share their failures, successes, and lessons they have learned during the hardest times they passed with substance abuse, and now they are living a great life.

This platform encourages people to overcome the strongest urge (substance abuse) and anyone can do it. Anyone, no matter how hopeless you think you are. As long as you’re alive, you can always collect the courage and strength to do it. Nothing will stand in front of you. Read these amazing transformations they are truly inspirational.

#1 Emerald

The Addict’s Diary

Emerald, she was addicted to heroin and meth and had her living in motel rooms and shelters. The mother of two after the substance abuse she lost custody of her sons but she is now 21 months free without drugs she’s got back of both boys

#2 Misty Loman

The Addict’s Diary

Misty was addicted to meth after the deaths of three children. She also was diagnosed with Lupus, bone cancer, and scleroderma. But in the end, she won the fight, and she recovery from substance abuse.


The Addict’s Diary

After 613 days ago the man was entered a rehab facility Physically, mentally & spiritually broken. He thinks the death was what he deserved because he lost everything. But now become a whole new man

#4 Shaun Weiss

The Addict’s Diary

Shaun Weiss was arrested on drug charges just a few months ago. He starred as Goldberg in ‘Might Ducks’. Now he passed 200 days sober and a brand new smile.


The Addict’s Diary

She was dying from heart infection and starving for days at a time and also was rejected by hospitals because they wouldn’t treat her and left her to die. But she found the strength to get out of the hole she was in. And finally, she found a hospital that accepted to treat her and get heart surgery. She’s been clean for six months, and now moved into a shared house with her own little space, and even bought herself some nice things.

#6 Nikki Sixx

The Addict’s Diary

“19 years of gratitude one day at a time. It is the road worth traveling if you are struggling. Old-timers are here to guide us but newcomers to sobriety are the greatest gift to this simple program. Of course, it’s not always easy. The first thing I did and continue to do is cut toxic people outta my life, then comes the first step and then freedom (if you work it). I am a better man, father, husband, friend, bandmate, and the creative spirit because of this program. I LOOK UP EVERYDAY AND SAY THANK YOU” 


The Addict’s Diary

Change is possible but you have to find the strength to ask for help. please if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction reach out! It’s never too late!


The Addict’s Diary

After two months in their relationship, she found him overdosed on the bathroom floor. She stayed by his side when most would run, she never left, and he’s now 5-year sober after he put her through hell but she never left.


The Addict’s Diary

He was a crack, heroin, and pill addict for 30 years. The 1st photo is in active addiction. The 2nd photo is at 5 years clean.

#10 Jorden

The Addict’s Diary

He was addicted to heroin and meth for the last ten years of his life. inability to deal with life stressors led him to resort to a needle and spoon. For the 8 times, court-ordered treatment session on January 1st, 2020. Now, finally 6 months clean!


The Addict’s Diary

His mom kicked out when he wouldn’t stop using drugs and his mother never gave him money for it. Even she took him to therapists. and she wrote him letters during his treatment and prayed for him, regularly calls him to check on him. That is a mother who never gave up on her son and now he profusely thanks her for his mother’s sacrifice and unending love.


The Addict’s Diary

Last summer we drugged hard, this summer we recovered even harder.


The Addict’s Diary

She was addicted to substance abuse for meth and fentanyl and was also Homeless, sleeping in cars, on sidewalks, behind dumpsters, and a complete prey to misery and depression she was on the verge of suicide. But now 72 days clean after started the program ‘The 12 steps, and his higher power’, for they have brought light back into her life.

Now she’s pregnant with a son as well, which only solidifies her motivation to stay clean!

#14 Hadassah

The Addict’s Diary

She was a teenage mother when having a baby, after that she did not want to let go of her teenage life. Many close friends and family tried to advise her, but as you guessed she didn’t listen. One night she almost overdosed, but her mother Jennifer Lane and Rebecca Adkins Goulart never gave up on her.


The Addict’s Diary

“Today I’m a grateful addict. I’m grateful for the people I have in my life, for the people who’ve helped me along the way and continue to help me. Today I’m at peace. After all the relapses time and time again, I continued to try. That’s all we can do. Today I’m clean. Tomorrow I’m going to wake up clean. That’s what matters, one day at a time. Some days are hard and some days are easy. If we keep trying, WE DO RECOVER.”


The Addict’s Diary

5 years of sobriety and a life she’s finally proud of. Two times she went to prison, Six felonies under her belt, and more county jail arrests than she can even remember. She now runs her own business, is married with kids. She mustered her courage to get her story out there, but she hopes maybe one person can see her change and feel like they have hope.


The Addict’s Diary

She was an IV drug addict for 8 years during which she overdosed several times. She lost custody of her kids and wanted to die, but she never give up and went into rehab in Barbourville KY, and after recovering, she earned her custody for her 5 kids back and has her own home and helps other women in similar situations.


The Addict’s Diary

Her biggest challenge is addiction was hell to her. She crawled from hell and hitchhiked home, time and time again. She’s not embarrassed by the photo on the left, because it empowers her to keep going by knowing how far she’


The Addict’s Diary

“Today, June 3rd, 2020 marks my one year… that’s 1 year, or 12 months, or 365 days, 8760 in hours, 525,600 in minutes, 31,536,000 in seconds & I’m still standing.”
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